The Celebration of Giving,
It is now time for us to share in giving.
Minister: Why do we give?
Congregation: We give because all we have comes from God.
According to Deuteronomy 8:18, it is God who gives us the power to
get wealth.
Minister: Why do we give?
Congregation: We give because God commands us. Malachi 3:10
states that we are to bring the full tithe into God’s storehouse.
Minister: Why do we give?
Congregation: We give because God said in Luke 6:38, to give and
He would give back to us a more abundant blessing.
Minister: Why do we give?
Congregation: We give because 2 Corinthians 9:7 states that God
loves a cheerful giver.
All: Thank you Lord, for the privilege of giving. We are excited about
paying the tithe and giving the offering. We know that you are faithful to
your promises. Therefore, we trust you in faith to do what you have
said. AMEN